The Essential Guide to Security Compliance for Your Business
In today’s world, data is a vital asset for businesses. You use it to understand your customers, make better decisions, and grow. But with this valuable data comes a big responsibility. Whether you are running a website, mobile app, or software, it’s important to make sure your platform is safe and follows privacy laws. This guide explains the biggest security risks and privacy regulations in simple terms, so you can better understand how to protect your business and keep your customers’ trust.
Part 1: What is the OWASP Top Ten?
The OWASP Top Ten is a list of the most serious security risks that businesses face online. It’s like a list of the biggest threats to your business’s digital systems. If you understand these risks, you can take steps to avoid them.
Why Should You Care?
If you don’t address these risks, hackers can use them to steal sensitive information, interrupt your business, or damage your reputation. This can lead to expensive problems, including losing customers and getting sued.
1.Encrypt Data